Juho Harmaa joins Coventures

We are excited to announce that Juho Harmaa has joined Coventures as an Entrepreneur in Residence. Juho is an experienced product, technology, and business leader with an extensive business development and transformation background. He has deep expertise in data-driven business models. Juho has consulted some of the best-known companies in Europe and the US on data, business transformation, and product management.

Tell us how you ended up here.

I first came across Coventures on LinkedIn. I saw Marko's post and was very interested. I got in touch and was 100% sold after the first call. I feel like I've found my home!

What sort of experiences have you had? Where does your background lie?

I started my first business at 17 and made my first exit at 21. I have always liked the holistic approach to business and entrepreneurship. Yet, technology and digital services have always played a significant role. They are the most accessible channels for creating meaningful and value-driven solutions. I am multidisciplinary and find my greatest inspiration in combining business, customer insight, and technology.

I have spent most of my career working in fast-growing SaaS companies, mainly in product management and marketing roles. In recent years, I've moved more into consulting, helping exciting startups and more established companies transform and grow their businesses.

It has been a pleasure to work with a diverse range of companies, from revolutionary biotech startups turning carbon dioxide into edible protein, to $1.4 billion technology giants, and a privilege to work with brilliant and visionary people. Most of my clients have been in the US and central Europe, but I am delighted to have worked with Finnish companies in recent months.

In the last few months, I've enjoyed working on many data-driven projects around technology and strategy. I've found it simply fantastic!

What are some of the most impactful ventures in your career?

Lyyti, a Finnish B2B SaaS company, has been the most educational experience of my career so far. My time at Lyyti taught me a lot about business and the pains and joys of growing up. I also got to grow on a personal level. It was a tough, but very positive experience. I am happy with how we drove innovation and changed the event industry.

As an entrepreneur, how do you help clients grow meaningful businesses?

I think that for every word that is said, we should listen twice as much. During my career, I have had many great experiences and benchmarks on how things should be done and how things should not be done. Still, it's the companies and the people within them who have the best knowledge of their business. 

Without understanding the context, you cannot know if you are solving the right problem. To solve this, you need a holistic view from within the company, especially from customers.

Why Coventures?

It is a bold initiative that brings together a unique perspective and expertise. I am amazed at the experience and spirit of the people, and I am privileged to be part of this community.