
coventures offers you experienced business builders as a service.

we bring together real entrepreneurs with proven track records in building and growing businesses.

This is Coventures


you can access diverse profiles and a large network of experts to fit your needs.

Who we are

entrepreneurs in residence

EiRs are expert entrepreneurs. They help our clients build growth, either by rejuvenating their existing business or hands-on building new ventures together.

who we work with

from startups to large corporations

Our clients vary from big corporations to smaller scale-up companies, but what they all have in common is the hunger for growth and making a difference.


many companies struggle to innovate, build new revenue streams, and grow.


we introduce the right experts to support you from vision to execution.

working hands-on with your team to maximize opportunities.


together we create a strong partnership for growth.

Next: who we are

get familiar with the all-star coventures team

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