From health business to platform economy - Case SYKE Tribe
When starting a new business, we often jump straight into choosing a digital service or a vendor and forget something vital. We forget to spend time figuring out what we really need and when that happens, the digital aspect of our business is left with untapped potential.
There are many excellent ready-made digital solutions in the market, but we frequently come across companies who can’t find a suitable solution among them. In such cases, a company’s entire business benefits the most when it’s built around a digital core which is why a service completely tailored is the best option. This is a story of one of those companies.
We all know regular exercise is something we should be doing but not knowing what kind of exercise program to follow often leads to either not exercising at all or exercising far too little. SYKE Tribe believes no coaching program is a perfect fit for everyone.
SYKE Tribe, a Finnish startup, helps people enjoy their journey towards better health by matching regular people with training coaches in a new way.
"In the world of endless options, we want to help people find the coach and training style that suits them the best. Every human being is unique; thus, we need to identify a suitable training program and coach which is always a unique challenge." - Terhi Immonen, CEO SYKE Tribe